


The Orkney Historic Boat Society (OHBS) was launched in 2013.

Our Vision: To preserve the boating history of Orkney for future generations.

Our Mission: To preserve historic boats and related traditional boat building skills and crafts. To collect preserve and communicate knowledge relating to boats built in Orkney or having contributed significantly to Orkney life and to further the education and knowledge of the public in relation to historical Orkney Boats, including establishing a boat museum and workshop.

The society is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) with Charity Number SC044884.

OSCR Logo for SC044884

This website

Here the society retains information of interest in the long term. This includes information of preserved boats and their equipment. Latest News and Event information is distributed via the society Facebook page.

The society is seeking information on potential boats for gifting towards restoration/preservation and display in the established Boat Museum. To ensure the right boats are selected for potential work and showcasing, an acquisition process has been developed. Please click on this link to download the OHBS Boat Acquisition Form. This form should be completed and then sent to the OHBS for assessment.

Get Involved
You don’t have to be an expert in research or renovation to join the Society. We welcome members who share our belief in the importance of preserving and promoting Orkney’s nautical heritage and traditions. Obviously experience in boat building or renovation would be welcome but we also need folk who are happy cleaning, painting and varnishing.

A lot can be learnt about working with wood and jobs can range from transporting water, wood, coffee and tools right up to actual renovation tasks. If you want to give it a go, contact us. You are welcome to come along for one or two sessions to see if you like it, but be warned, you might end up hooked!

There are few greater pleasures than knowing that you have contributed to the preservation of Orkney’s maritime heritage.

Join the Society
Subscription Rates and Membership Type:

Individual Membership (Annual): £15.00
Junior Membership (Annual): £2.00
Life Membership: £150

Annual Subscriptions are renewed on 6th April each year. If you would like to join please click on this link to download the OHBS Membership Application Form.

Make a donation to OHBS here.

Past OHBS Newsletters are available here.

OHBS Policy documents are available on this page.

Latest News

On Facebook

On Workgroup Activities

  • Today we had to move a light switch to allow for a section of internal wall to be re knocked out. The section below the red line will be cut out next week. This widens the entrance to this storage area.Elsewhere work continues on preparing the underside of the catamaran Venture for repair and painting. 
  • The Old Buoy Store in Stromness has finally been surveyed as part of our feasibility study to find out if it can be utilised as an OHBS Boat Haven. 
  • OHBS has received a new donation from South Walls. This is a small dinghy which at times served as a tender for another OHBS boat Cingalee.Inside at the workshop we have started the process of widening the entrance into one of our side storage areas. This requires the removal of old stainless rails & sheeting […]
  • OHBS is in the Blue Door Charity Shop in Kirkwall 4-8th February so we are busy collecting items for sale. Today the bulk of the collected items were moved to the Orkney Sailing Club ready to be delivered to the Charity Shop next week.